Europe's first climate-neutral compostable coffee capsules*!
* Nespresso Systems
The coffee cherries for our coffees are produced on our Tropical Mountains coffee farm in central Peru. We also buy their gourmet organic coffee from coffee farmers in our network without intermediaries. This way, the coffee farmers we work with have a good and fair living.
The Tropical Mountains Farm has been in existence since 2012. As founders of the farm, we, Thomas Schwegler and Gisella Iriarte-Schwegler, are involved in social projects, such as the construction of a village school, in addition to growing certified organic coffee.

The Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) awards particularly high-quality coffee. All our varieties score over 80 out of a possible 100 points.
We grow our coffee sustainably and organically. In doing so, we pay attention not only to nature, but also to people.
The coffee comes directly from our farm or from Tropical Mountains' organic and fair trade certified partners. Our family is constantly growing - our values remain.
We take an environmentally responsible approach. That's why our packaging is free of aluminium and plastic. The coffee pods are compostable.

At Tropical Mountains, we rely on our roots: organic farming, direct fair trade and sustainable packaging. We are a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), support local schools and fund charitable projects.

Very tasty coffees that you can also enjoy in capsules without a guilty conscience! Sustainable, organic and very tasty!!!
The coffee tastes very delicious [...]. For me, Tropical Mountains embodies not only high quality in its products, but also respectful treatment of people and nature.
Finally, a coffee where origin, quality and fair production can be fully traced.

Be the first to know about new coffees, exclusive offers and news about our farm and social projects. Subscribe now!
Current Press
"Der Kaffee hat uns zusammengekittet" (German)
NZZ 01.10.2022
Marktneuheit aus Zug (German)
Zuger Zeitung 14.04.2022
Kompostierbare Kaffeepads (German)
HGZ, 13.04.2022
Kaffeegenuss ohne Reue (German)
Natürlich Magazin 03/2022
Ihre Kaffeepads sind fair gehandelt und kompostierbar (German)
Zürichsee Zeitung 26.03.2022